Cleaning, Decluttering, Painting and Landscaping
Day and Evening Photography, Drone Shots, 3D models, Social Media Videos
We use powerful software to analyze the market and price effectively
A Property Well Prepared, Well Marketed & Well Priced, Sells for the Most Amount of Money in the Shortest Amount of Time
Well prepared properties sell for the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. Let us advise you on the elements of preparation that will maximize your Return on Investment.

Professional 3D Models, lifestyle videos and photos. Social Media & Community mail out to maximize exposure. Never before has the competition for people’s eyeballs been more fierce. Make your property stand out! Focus on lifestyle to get outside of the 4 wall structure

Well priced properties sell for the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. We have powerful pricing software to give you the information you need to price your property effectively.
About Kapahulu
The literal translation of Pahulu in the Hawaiian language is “worn-out soil.” Perhaps meaning that it is has been a well traveled place for many years. Located on lee side of the Kaimuki bluff, it can be blocked from the cooling Tradewinds and it is on the dryer and hotter side of neighborhoods in the area. Filled with great shops, restaurants, entertainment and shopping. Notable shops include Rainbows and Leonard’s Bakery.

“Thank you Jake Vaughan for your professional services. I’ve sold and purchased many properties, and I can say unequivocally that no real estate sales agent has ever brought the kind of energy, industry and expertise as you have brought into selling our property. I have no doubt that your preparing and staging of our property and your toil and vigor was the largest and most important factor in its quick and successful sale. Mahalo and our best wishes for your continued success.”
Nelson Chang